Berberine is a bitter-tasting, yellow-colored chemical found in plants like European barberry, Oregon grape, and tree turmeric. Its benefits include promoting healthy blood pressure and supporting blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Additionally, this compound kills harmful bacteria, regulates metabolism, and possesses anti-inflammatory properties which can benefit patients suffering from SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). SIBO is a condition where the wrong kind of bacteria accumulates in the small intestine, leading to symptoms such as diarrhea, gas, bloating and nutrient malabsorption. Like other gastrointestinal conditions, SIBO can be disruptive and challenging to manage, but berberine’s antimicrobial, metabolic and anti-inflammatory benefits provide a potential therapeutic solution.
Can Berberine Help with SIBO Symptoms?
Symptoms of SIBO often include gas and bloating, resulting from the production of hydrogen and methane gasses. Overgrown bacteria in the intestine cause carbohydrates to ferment before they are fully digested, releasing hydrogen. This hydrogen induces an osmotic effect, drawing water into the bowel and leading to diarrhea. Additionally, organisms that feed on hydrogen produce methane gas, further contributing to the discomfort associated with SIBO. Berberine, an alkaloid, neutralizes hydrogen and methane and serves as a defense against pathogens. Moreover, berberine can disrupt the biofilm created by bacteria, which often makes antibiotics ineffective. Studies have compared berberine use to rifaximin (an accepted SIBO treatment) in SIBO patients, showing lower levels of hydrogen and methane in breath tests in patients who took berberine, along with greater symptom relief.
For those exploring supplements for SIBO, berberine provides a promising natural option to support gut health.
Berberine SIBO Die Off
Once SIBO treatment begins, patients may experience what is known as SIBO die-off. This temporary condition (usually 2-4 days) involves uncomfortable symptoms resulting from the toxins released by the dying microorganisms and their struggle to survive. Symptoms of SIBO die-off may include anxiety, difficulty concentrating, flu-like symptoms, fatigue, nausea, muscle and joint pain, as well as increased diarrhea and bloating. Berberine’s antimicrobial properties, particularly its ability to disrupt biofilms, can help shorten the duration of die-off. Additionally, berberine’s anti-inflammatory benefits can ease these uncomfortable symptoms.
Is Berberine Low FODMAP?
FODMAPs are short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine, often leading to digestive discomfort. Patients may adopt a short-term low FODMAP diet to identify which foods are triggering their symptoms. Berberine is compatible with this diet, as it does not contain carbohydrates and does not undergo fermentation in the digestive system.
Divertex, a natural solution developed by Evinature, contains berberine along with other beneficial ingredients to support a healthy digestive system and restore the balance of gut bacteria. As such, it may alleviate the symptoms of SIBO and promote overall gut health. Discover more about this innovative product by clicking the links below:
When to Take Berberine for SIBO?
Berberine can be taken orally during SIBO treatment with antibiotics to enhance results. Patients may continue using berberine for several months. It is important to use berberine under the guidance of a medical professional, as it can interact with various medications, including those for diabetes and high blood pressure.
How to Eat Berberine for SIBO
Berberine is most effective when taken with or after meals that adhere to a SIBO-friendly diet, such as those limited in gluten and lactose. You can also incorporate foods naturally rich in berberine, such as barberries, which can be cooked with meat or dried and added to a chicken salad. Additionally, herbs like yellow root and Chinese goldthread contain berberine and can be beneficial.
Dosage of Berberine for SIBO
While the dosage of berberine can vary, SIBO patients typically take around 800 mg per day, divided into two doses. It’s important to consult with your medical adviser to determine the exact dosage that’s right for you.
How Long Should You Take Berberine for SIBO?
Most SIBO patients begin to see improvement within 2 to 6 weeks after starting berberine treatment. Many continue using berberine for up to 6 months to maintain results and support gut health.
Our tips and recommendations
As long as a SIBO patient’s gut remains unbalanced, it is recommended to limit carbohydrates such as fruit, starchy vegetables, grains, and legumes, while completely cutting out sugar and alcohol to starve the overgrown bacteria. During the initial phase of restoring balance, many patients opt for a mostly liquid diet to ensure easy nutrient absorption with minimal digestive effort.