  • United States +1 (612) 261-0298

For inquiries regarding shipping, refunds, technical issues, or partnerships, contact:

For inquiries regarding protocols, dosages, medical queries, products, or our research, contact:

Office Hours (Monday – Thursday):

9:00 AM – 2:00 PM EST

3 HaMelacha street, suite 25 Binyamina Israel 3057324


Everything you need to know about our products & services

We’ve conducted extensive research, and base our dosage plans on hard evidence gathered from multiple patients–in our clinics and our labs. We’re constantly refining our research with vital information from our users and customers on their pre-existing conditions, gut symptoms and test improvements.

If you’ve missed a single dose, simply continue with your regular plan. If you’ve missed a daily dose or more, please submit a Patient Report and we’ll advise you on how to proceed.

All our products are made with natural plant-based compounds & ingredients.

Our products are produced in a Good Manufacturing Process facility, based in Israel.

The reason many supplements fail is a lack of vital information, both on the side of patients and the side of providers. Providers require the history, specifics and state of your condition in order to recommend the most efficient recovery strategy. This data helps us provide the correct product, dosage & combinations for you.

Our own founders, clinical expert Professor Shomron Ben-Horin M.D., Chief of Gastroenterology Department at Sheba Medical Center, and Nir Salomon, Integrative Specialist & Director of the Integrative Gastroenterology Unit at Sheba Medical Center.

We ask about your medications and other forms of treatment so we can pinpoint the exact state of your condition and limit any potential interactions. All information goes towards providing the most precise and efficient protocol possible.

Drop us a message in Help & Support, and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.

It’s our duty to ensure you receive the most precise remedies for your age, sex and state of condition. We customize every single plan to your individual needs–all based on hard evidence from our clinical research that is compiled against the data of other patients in your situation.

Our first priority is providing effective treatments, so we offer a 30-day 100% money back guarantee on all our products, no questions asked. If you’re unsatisfied with your treatment, all you have to do is send back the bottle within 30 days of delivery.

Drop us a line below for further details and instructions.

Yes, we offer free shipping to the U.S. and Canada.

Your product will arrive within 3-7 business days.

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