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IBS and Hemorrhoids: Understanding the Connection

IBS and Hemorrhoids

One of the most uncomfortable symptoms of IBS is hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are engorged vascular swellings either in the upper anal canal (internal hemorrhoids) or external hemorrhoids which protrude causing pain, itching, and bleeding.

In this article, we aim to explore the relationship between IBS and hemorrhoids, and what you can do to bring comfort and relief.

Causes & Prevention of Hemorrhoids

Swelling and inflammation of the veins in the anal canal can cause pockets of blood to become trapped. Internal hemorrhoids can cause prolapse of the surrounding tissue and bleeding, while external hemorrhoids are more likely to cause itching and pain. 

So in those suffering from the common symptoms of IBS, namely chronic constipation or frequent loose stools (or both), the veins inside the anal passage become vulnerable. 


Sitting on the toilet for a long time pools the blood in the anal passage and this is believed to be one of the main contributing factors that leads to hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids create a bulge, which may feel like incomplete evacuation, so it’s important to recognize this and not sit too long or push too hard. You may use alcohol and fragrance-free baby wipes instead of paper which may be abrasive. 

Sitting for too long generally pools blood in the anal passage so movement is important. If you have an office job or work on a computer for long hours, try to create a standing desk or make sure to move often during the day.  


As a lack of fiber can cause constipation, it helps to include high-fiber foods in your diet. All vegetables contain fiber, so make a list of those you tolerate and eat more of them. Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, bananas, apples, and pears are high-fiber fruits. Vegetables include carrots, beets, artichokes, and broccoli. Split peas, lentils, kidney beans, and other beans are also high in fiber. Be sure to soak beans overnight before cooking. This makes them easier to digest. Oats and quinoa are also high in dietary fiber.  


Drink room temperature water or herb teas when you are thirsty and ensure you get enough good salt. We often push ourselves to drink water but need enough high mineral salt to absorb the fluid into the cells. Look for salt that is gray in color with large flakes and a long list of essential minerals. Water dilutes digestive enzymes, so it’s best to quench your thirst between meals. 

Relief from Hemorrhoid Discomfort & Pain 

Epsom Salt Bath 

The magnesium sulfate in Epsom salt reduces inflammation and will help any wounds around the anus to heal faster. A soak in a tub with a cup of Epsom Salt will bring immediate relief. 

Aloe Vera 

Aloe vera gel was found in a 2022 study to be more effective than pharmaceutical topical medication. The soothing, natural anti-inflammatory gel may help with stinging and burning pains.   


Flaxseed not only helps with constipation, diarrhea, and symptoms of IBS but has also been found to support the balance of healthy gut bacteria in the digestive tract. The fiber in flaxseed is believed to act as a prebiotic increasing probiotics in the gut microbiome. 

Be sure to buy flaxseed whole and grind it daily in a coffee grinder or store ground flaxseed in the freezer as the oil in flaxseed goes rancid quickly. 

Push them back in

If the little pockets of blood pooling in the veins are protruding, you will feel a grape-like lump or lumps around the outside of your anus. With clean hands and a little coconut, witch-hazel, or flaxseed oil, gently push them back in. It’s important to be very strict for the next week or two with movement and diet and stay well-hydrated so you don’t become constipated. The internal venous swelling should go down on its own if you maintain bowel health.  

When to seek Medical Help 

Seek immediate medical attention if you have large amounts of rectal bleeding and/or feel dizzy or faint. 

Non-resolution of pain, discomfort, and worsening of symptoms after a few days may warrant medical attention. 




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