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IBD and Caring for Your Whole Self


When I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC) in 2004, my journey toward healing began. Diets, supplements, medications, you know the drill. While this helped, over time, I realised there was something crucial that slips under the radar: the power of our thoughts.

After 20 years of navigating UC and supporting hundreds of clients worldwide, one thing has become crystal clear: our mindset is just as important as the food on our plates. In fact, our thoughts can either fuel the flames of inflammation or gently guide us toward healing. Mental and emotional well-being are key players in managing IBD.

The Gut-Brain Connection

The relationship between the gut and brain is no secret. The constant conversation between our gut and brain is known as the “gut-brain axis” and your gut hears every thought you have.

Research has shown that emotional stress can trigger or exacerbate IBD. If you’ve ever noticed your stomach in knots when stressed, you’ve experienced this firsthand. For those of us with IBD, stress and anxiety can play a not-so-fun role in triggering flare-ups, making it even more important to focus on both mind and body in the healing process.

One study underscores this connection, showing how stress directly impacts IBD. If we needed more proof that emotional well-being is central to managing physical symptoms.

How Stress Affects Digestion

So, what happens when we’re stressed out? Well, it’s not great for digestion. When we feel stressed, the body switches to “fight or flight” mode, a response that dates back to running from a sabre-toothed tiger. Nowadays, though, stress is more likely to be triggered by an inbox full of unread emails, or worrying about what your future may have in store, but the body doesn’t always know the difference.

Here’s what happens to our digestion during stress:

  • Delayed stomach emptying: Food hangs around longer than it should, leading to bloating.
  • Increased bowel activity: For IBD, this can translate into urgency or even diarrhoea.
  • Chemical imbalances: Stress can disrupt the gut’s delicate balance, making indigestion more likely.
  • Leaky gut: Prolonged stress weakens the gut lining, which can lead to inflammation and more IBD.

So, addressing mental health isn’t just a ‘nice to have’. It’s absolutely essential for effective gut management.

Healing Through The Mind

A turning point in my own healing came when I shifted focus from obsessing over every morsel of food to managing my stress and emotions. It wasn’t that diet and supplements didn’t matter – they did. But they weren’t the full picture.

I started exploring different therapies, meditation, and emotional healing techniques like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), and that’s when things really started to change. Not only did my symptoms improve, but I began feeling more at ease in my body and in my life. And, no surprise – when my stress levels dropped, my gut healed.

The truth is, in order for our body to change we’ve gotta change. For many of us with IBD, our symptoms are often a signal that something deeper is out of alignment. Whether it’s past trauma, mindset, or not living a life true to who we are, it all matters. When we take care of both the mind and body, we create a stronger foundation for true recovery.

A New Perspective on IBD

Living with IBD can feel overwhelming and isolating at times, but… take a deep breath… I believe it’s also an invitation for transformation… now exhale and promise me you won’t send hate in the DMs.

When I started seeing IBD as a message from my body – a way of saying “Rachel, something’s got to change” – it shifted my entire perspective. Suddenly, it wasn’t just about what I was eating. It was about how I was living, thinking, and feeling. And when I say “something” in reality it was a lot of things, my thinking, my beliefs, my career, my purpose. 

Our thoughts are nourishment, too. They can either support healing or contribute to inflammation. If we want our bodies to heal, we have to nourish our minds in the same way we nourish our bodies.

Through this lens, new pathways to wellness start to open. By embracing both the physical and mental aspects of healing, we can create lasting change and long-term health.

Conclusion: Your Path to Wellness

Healing from IBD isn’t just about diet and supplements and medications – it’s about caring for your whole self. When we address the emotional and psychological stressors that are at play, we set the stage for true, lasting healing.

IBD isn’t just a set of physical symptoms; it’s your body asking for deeper care and attention. When you nourish both your gut and your thoughts, you create the foundation for thriving, not just surviving.

Remember, you’re more than your symptoms. Nurture all parts of yourself – body, mind, and spirit and when you do this I know that there is a life waiting for you, beyond IBD. 



Rachel Turner was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2004 and has been living symptom, surgery, and drug-free for several years, enjoying lasting health and vitality. After transforming her own health, she left the corporate world to pursue studies in Advanced Holistic Nutrition, Functional Medicine, and Holistic Therapies including EFT, HeartMath and AQE. Rachel now specialises in helping individuals with IBD (Crohn’s and Colitis) reclaim their health and embrace life beyond the disease.

Rachel’s services integrate mind-body practices, spiritual insights, and emotional support, offering a compassionate and comprehensive approach to wellness. To find out more, feel free to connect to her via her website rachelturnerwellness.co.uk, Instagram @rachelturnerwellness, YouTube, and/or email at contact@rachelturnerwellness.co.uk.

Rachel Turner


Rachel Turner


This blog is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. The content provided is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. The claims made regarding specific products in this blog are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

Rachel Turner


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